Our Stock Market Prodigy and Options Wunderkind Chad Shoop Is Set to Unveil His Most Exciting Investing Approach EVER
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Get ready.
Chad Shoop is about to come out with his most powerful options research to date.
Powered by his proprietary “Fast Lane Code,” this research is designed to help you find the stock market’s fast lane EVERY WEEK.
The goal is to make sure you are NEVER stuck in the stock market’s traffic! And the preliminary evidence looks very promising…
At its most basic level, the Fast Lane Code would’ve led you to three times better returns than “the almighty Dow” over 10 years of back testing…
But Chad has gone above and beyond to deliver the most elite research imaginable.
We’ve been beta testing this strategy since February … and after six months of beta testing … and 46 live trade recommendations … the average return was just over 26%.
That’s PER TRADE … and the average trade took just five days.
It’s so powerful, Chad’s preliminary investment of just $335 exploded 727% in the first three months of beta testing.
Top gains include:
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Here’s What Beta Testers Are Saying…

“Now that’s what I’m talking about!! 300% in 3 days.”
– John B.

“I just started using your strategy, and I’m 3 for 3 on my trades with gains between 50–200% [each in seven days or less].”
– Robert K.

“I made $4k on a $7k in just over 24 hours. Wow!”
– Beth H.
A Note From Our Publisher

I hope it goes without saying that there are no guarantees in the stock market.
The options market is exactly the same. We trade options because we can experience exciting, fast-paced gains. But it works the same in the other direction. Options move fast and you can lose money quickly if you don’t know what you’re doing.
It’s also important to note that you won’t make money on every trade. In fact, you may also experience a string of losses that can burden you mentally and make you want to quit before things turn around.
But if you’re tough, have a strong mental disposition, and understand the kind of enormous profits the options market is capable of with the right strategy, I want you to take a serious look at Chad’s new strategy.
We publish True Options Masters to educate our readers on both the risks and rewards that come with entering the options market. And I’m going to give you my honest impression because this might be my new favorite options research.
Chad has taken his trusty Profit Radar — the Relative Rotation Graph (RRG) you’ve probably seen him write about in some of his weekly editorial — and tapped into something raw and insanely powerful that should be the envy of any serious trader.
You see, the RRG is available to any trader who’s willing to invest a couple thousand dollars in trading software like Optuma, and has the time to study its intricate nature.
The problem is, most traders use the RRG from a 30,000-foot view — looking for longer-term trends in the market.
But Chad has discovered a weekly trade signal that brings it all to another level.
With it, he can show you which sectors of the market are set to rise faster than any other over the next week.
And he can even go a step beyond that and find the best stocks to invest in!
The idea is to shift your money into the market’s fastest lane every week, and even hitch a ride on the fastest car.
Chad did his due diligence — conducting a minimum 10-year back test that shows a 492% return versus the Dow’s 152%. And that’s without adding options or leverage of any kind.
He went on to beta test the strategy internally with a few of our in-house experts for three months. Chad was just buying one options contract per trade but still saw a 727% return on his at-stake capital in three months. He then spent another three months beta testing the strategy with our Total Wealth Fellowship, a group whose members have paid upwards of $25,000 to receive everything our company publishes.
In those six months in total, Chad recommended 46 live trades, for an average gain per trade of 26% in five days.
I can’t say for certain whether the results will always be that good, but Chad and I are prepared to guarantee a minimum average return of 10% per trade. Most investors are lucky to make 10% per year; we’re prepared to guarantee an average of 10% per week across 100 trades in one year. And we’re putting a lot on the line to prove it.
I have complete confidence that Chad will deliver. He’s one of the most impressive options experts I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with, which is why I’m so thrilled he agreed to team up with me to form True Options Masters earlier this year.
Keep an eye out later this month for Chad’s new research. We call it Fast Lane Profits and we think it could be his best-performing strategy to date.
Sign up for free below to be first in line to see it. There’s zero obligation. Signing up merely guarantees that you will be first in line to see it — and have a chance at the enormous profit potential before anyone else.
Thank you for giving us an opportunity to share our work with you.

Chris Cimorelli
Associate Publisher, Banyan Hill
October 2021
Get Ready to Step Into the Stock Market’s Fast Lane!
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